
Notre troisieme bulletin donne des informations sur la reunion d'elaboration du Plan d'Action du Reseau qui s'est tenue a Dakar (Senegal) en Juillet 2006, sur les succes obtenus avec nos recents alerte action urgente que nous celebrons et fournit des details sur nos dernieres publications.

A collective online publication of leading women activists, academicians and writers, depicting their reactions to the wars and the increasing militarism in the Middle East as well as analysis of their impact on the work of women activists’.
The Institute (22 May to 29 June 2007) will bring feminist perspectives and an activist orientation to the inextricably related issues of peace, human rights and life-sustaining development.
There are more than 40 tactical notebooks written by groups from around the world on the website for New Tactics in Human Rights. Read them to learn how a tactic was implemented and the challenges and factors that influenced it.
A wonderful web resource about the campaign, featuring a panel discussion, blogs and activities on the theme of, "Women as Equal Citizens: Advocating for Change in Muslim-Majority Societies."

Co-organised by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership & Women Living Under Muslim Laws the first two Feminism in the Muslim World Leadership Institutes took place in 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey and in 1999 in Lagos, Nigeria.

We wish to refocus attention on, and awareness of, this report from a 2005 meeting to help key actors from several organizations that promote and defend human rights to identify guidelines on the warning signs of fundamentalisms.
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