
Lors d’une rencontre organisée en novembre 2002 sur le thème « Signaux d'alarme des fondamentalismes », on a pu constater à quel point il est à la fois urgent et vital, pour les organismes de droits humains, de faire le point sur ce phénomène.
Muslims have been challenging the prohibition against woman-led mixed-gender congregational around the world for years. Here you will find notices of woman-led prayers past and present.
The repercussions following the statements made by Pope Benedict XVI are being felt till today, though by now the modalities of global Muslim protest have become evident and well-known to close observers of political Islam.
The Safe Abortion Action Fund provides grants to non-governmental organizations that will enable them to implement specific, in-country initiatives to increase their work in any area along the abortion continuum.
This specialisation explores links between violent conflict and development. It does this in the context of poverty, insecurities, structural inequality and militarism and examines different theoretical trajectories of war, violence and peace.
Women and girls are especially vulnerable to sexual violence in times of heightened armed conflict. They are being raped, abducted for sexual exploitation and forced into marriages and prostitution.
Many people talk about progressive Islam. Is progressive Islam possible? Many are sceptical. But some maintain Islam need not be preceded with any attribute like ‘progressive’. Islam itself contains the attribute ie it is inherently possible.
Le Fonds d’action pour l’avortement médicalisé a pour fonction de mobiliser, d’administrer et d’octroyer des ressources à des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) actives dans l’un des secteurs intéressant l’avortement.
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