State control

Riahana et Farida Kawoon iront voter jeudi pour la présidentielle en Afghanistan, dans l'espoir que les progrès laborieux pour les droits des femmes esquissés depuis la chute du régime des talibans il y a huit ans s'intensifieront.
Le réseau Femmes sous lois musulmanes a le plaisir d’annoncer la libération de Shadi Sadr de la prison d’Evin, ce mardi matin, peu après 11 heures.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws is very happy to announce that Shadi Sadr was released from Evin Prison on Tuesday, a little after 11 a.m. She returned home to her family earlier than the 6 p.m. time the court had said she would be released. Shadi’s family was planning to welcome her upon her arrival when they saw her standing at the door. Apparently, Shadi Sadr had arrived several hours earlier so that her friends and family would not have to gather outside the prison.
Shadi Sadr was released from Evin Prison on Tuesday 28 July, a little after 11 a.m.
Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition: Solidarity Statement on the Global Day of Action for Human Rights in Iran (25 July 2009)

20/07/2009: The bail for the release of Shadi Sadr was provided by her family today but there is still no news of her release. (Meydaan)

On Friday 17 July 2009, at around 11:30 a.m., our colleague Shadi Sadr was abducted by a group of officers in civilian clothes while she was walking on Keshavarz Boulevard, Tehran, to a mosque for Friday prayers.

Not only has her lawyer not managed to see her but now her friends and family have been told there is no plan for a release.
The bail for the release of Shadi Sadr was provided by her family today but there is still no news of her release.
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network is deeply concerned by the violent abduction and detention without charge of human rights lawyer, Ms. Shadi Sadr, by state agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
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