UPDATE: Iran: Confirmation that no plans for Sadr's release

WLUML Networkers
Not only has her lawyer not managed to see her but now her friends and family have been told there is no plan for a release.
On Monday her husband had been told to go to the court to arrange to release her on bail. While all her friends and family spent the whole day going from one office to another, and another group of women went in front of Evin prison, they were finally told in the evening that she is not supposed to be released and the telephone call was a mistake.
Apparently this is a strategy that they have used for psychologically putting pressure on the families of the victim and indirectly on the victim and other activists.

However Shadi has contacted her family by phone and has told them yesterday that her interrogation has finished, at least for now, and that she has been sent from a solitary cell to the general one.

UPDATE ON: http://wluml.org/english/newsfulltxt.shtml?cmd[157]=x-157-564963