
A large number of Egyptian women participated in a march entitled "No to sectarian strife" which appeared with its ugly face in the district of Imbaba. They participated in this march to stress the values of citizenship and tolerance and to prevent the strife that has been witnessed in the district and in many different places in Egypt after the revolution. The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights affirms that the incidents that happened between Muslims and Christians are a clear attempt to abort the 25th of January revolution through the use of women to fuel strife.

تعرب المنظمة العربية لحقوق الإنسان عن بالغ قلقها من التهديدات التي تلقتها الناشطة الحقوقية "نهاد أبو القمصان" مدير المركز المصري لحقوق المرأة، وذلك على صلة بمواقفها المدافعة عن محاولات العصف بمكتسبات المرأة بتصديها لمحاولات التراجع عنها من خلال ما تواتر من ضغوط تعديل قانون الأحوال الشخصية الحالي.

The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) expresses its deep concern at the threats that Mrs. Nehad Abo El-Komsan, the Chair of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights, received owing to her defense of women’s rights regarding the attacks that attempt to eliminate women’s achievements by the pressure to amend the current Personal Status Code. 

Al-Qaida has confirmed the death of its leader, Osama bin Laden, and vowed veangance, pledging in a statement posted on militant websites that his blood "will not be wasted". In what is apparently the first official reaction from the militant Isamist group since Bin Laden was gunned down by US special forces troops who raided his hideout in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad, the group called on the people of Pakistan, "where Sheik Osama was killed", to rise up against their leaders. The group would soon release an audio message from Bin Laden recorded a week before his death, said the statement, dated 3 May and signed by "the general leadership of al-Qaida". There was no independent confirmation that the message was authentic but it was posted on websites through which al-Qaida habitually issues statements.

Three days after the enforcement of the French law that prohibits full face covering, and after the first women law breakers have been fined, international media focus on ’protesting Muslims’, while the voices of the vast majority of presumed Muslims in France are ignored. One has to raise issue with the absence of proper coverage by English language international media regarding the public stands taken by French citizens of migrant Muslim descent.

Pour de nombreux Tunisiens, le passage à une culture plus traditionnelle est incompatible avec la récente histoire du pays. Ils craignent que les acquis de la révolution ne soient perdus. Lors d'une manifestation organisée le 1er avril à Tunis, à l'initiative notamment du Parti de libération islamique, certains manifestants ont souhaité l'obligation du port du niqab et le retour à une vie consacrée au foyer pour les femmes.

دانت أوساط سياسية وحقوقية ودينية فلسطينية قتل متضامن إيطالي معتبرة ذلك محاولة للإساءة لصورة الشعب الفلسطيني في الخارج ولإفشال حملات التضامن معه. وعثر على جثة الناشط الحقوقي والصحفي الإيطالي فيكتور أريغوني في منزل مهجور شمالي القطاع بعد ساعات من إعلان مجموعة تسمي نفسها "جماعة الصحابي محمد بن مسلمة" مسؤوليتها عن خطفه، لمطالبة حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) التي تسيطر على قطاع غزة بإطلاق زعيمها الشيخ هشام السعيدني المعتقل لديها منذ الشهر الماضي.

Le mouvement radical Jihad Islamique et le ministre de l'Intérieur du Hamas ont condamné l'assassinat du pacifiste italien, dont le corps a été découvert dans une maison près de Gaza. Sa mort a suscité de vives réactions.

Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni has been killed in the Gaza Strip by individuals identifying themselves as belonging to a small jihadi-Salafi group. The discovery of Vittorio’s body came after the Italian’s abductors had released a video announcing their demands and a deadline. In fact, it now seems they murdered Vittorio not long after his abduction. Vittorio was part of the International Solidarity Movement, whose members and supporters in Palestine/Israel and internationally are shocked and saddened.

C'est avec une profonde consternation que j'ai appris le limogeage de M.Jack Persekian, directeur de la Sharjah Art Foundation, ceci pour le “punir” d'avoir permis à un artiste invité à la Biennale de Sharjah, en l'occurrence moi-même, de s'exprimer en toute liberté. Dans la foulée, mon installation intitulée « Maportaliche/Ecritures sauvages » (It has no importance/Wild Writings) a été censurée. Je tiens par ce communiqué à manifester ma plus vive indignation face à ce procédé infâme, et à témoigner ma solidarité à M.Persekian et à sa formidable équipe. 

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