
"Une femme est installée aux premiers rangs", se réjouit le quotidien koweïtien Al-Raï Al-Aam.
The government of Kuwait has named two women as members of its municipal council, for the first time in the history of the Gulf emirate.
Kuwait has appointed its first female cabinet minister, a month after parliament agreed to let women vote and stand for office.
Last month, on the 19th April, lawmakers in Kuwait agreed to allow women the right to vote and run in local council elections – a bill that passed on a 26-20 vote, with three abstentions [1].
The Kuwaiti parliament has voted to give women full political rights.
Le parlement koweïtien a adopté une loi accordant aux femmes le droit de vote et d'éligibilité, malgré l'opposition des islamistes, ce qui constitue une première dans cet Etat très conservateur du Golfe persique.
The Kuwaiti parliament has failed to pass a law which would, for the first time, have given women the right to vote and stand in municipal elections.
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