
Kuwait's Cabinet approved a draft law allowing women to vote and run in parliamentary polls, moving them a step closer to full political rights they have sought for decades in the conservative Gulf Arab state.
وافقت الحكومة الكويتية على السماح للمرأة بالترشح والتصويت في انتخابات المجلس المحلي. ورحب مراقبون بهذه المبادرة باعتبارها خطوة اولى لمنح المرأة الكويتية المزيد من الحريات السياسية.
When Kuwait's emir decreed women should have the vote, the freewheeling Parliament -- a rare symbol of democratic ideals in the Persian Gulf -- used its constitutional powers to overrule him.
Women activists in Kuwait have held a demonstration to demand the right of women to vote and run for public office.
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