
The Islamic affairs ministry is about to hand out diplomas of Murshid (religious guides) to 50 women and 150 men who attended an annual course to become imams.
During the height of the Danish cartoon controversy, Canadian media interviewed male Muslim leaders exclusively, without bothering to seek out leaders among Muslim women. It's a given that Muslim leaders are men, preferably with beards.
This lecture is organized by Women in Black and the Center for Cultural Decontamination April 4th at 6pm at the Center for Cultural Decontamination (Bircaninova 21).
It’s not often that one is asked to lead a grand mufti in prayer. Especially if one is a woman. Indeed, until this February, no Muslim woman had ever been asked to lead a grand mufti in prayer.
ECWR will organize a celebration of Egyptian Women's Day on March 16 during which the first martyrdom of a female candidate will be recognized and freedoms in Egypt will be promoted. The celebration is entitled, " New year ….. New Hope."
BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights organized the Africa Regional Meeting in collaboration with Femmes et Droits Humains, (FDH) Mali from January 24 -28, 2006 in Bamako Mali. There were 33 participants drawn from 14 African countries.
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