
The first Feminist utopia to be published in the sub-continent this novel, which was first published in 1905 in Bangla by Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain, a Bengali Muslim novelist and social reformer, uses gender role reversal to highlight the absurdity of the position of women in society. This is the translation into Farsi of the classic work.

In Bangladesh, Islamist organisations exploit rumours of loose lifestyles abroad to tarnish the image of migrant women in general.
An online tele-portrait of Amina Wadud, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia (in English with Dutch subtitles).
This new book explores the relationship between human rights and Islam, with the objective of helping people within Muslim societies promote and protect human rights from an Islamic perspective.
An open letter that alerts the Canadian authorities to the grave implications of Shari'a courts in Canada for Muslim women’s human rights in Canada and beyond, in Muslim-majority countries or are minorities in non-Muslim countries.
This publication highlights the lives and deeds of women from diverse Muslim countries and communities who have engaged in the struggle for gender equality. It provides many examples of women's rights advocates ranging from the 8th century to the 1950s.
Les 50 premières mourchidates seront diplômées en avril. Formées comme des imams, sans en avoir le titre, elles auront essentiellement une mission d’encadrement.
WLUML was a co-sponsor of this consultation and this report documents the discussions and analyses of violations and abuses committed against women human rights defenders and strategies and recommendations to better protect them.
German and Dutch people woke to a very different kind of 8 March commemorations this year.
La consultation Internationale sur les femmes défenseurs des droits humains a eu lieu à Colombo, Sri Lanka, entre le 29 Novembre et le 2 Décembre 2005.
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