
The search for a successor to Mary Robinson has begun.
Sima Samar, former women's affairs minister, fears for her safety.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has learned that the Egyptian government has decided to retry 50 of the defendants in the "Cairo 52" case.
A collective of Arab lesbians or lesbians of Arabic language and culture, living in native lands or lands of exile.
Malaysian women's groups have warned that plans to enact strict Islamic laws in an opposition-ruled state would be a leap backwards in the fight for gender equality.
Gujarat police are routinely refusing to file charges against individuals accused of rape during the violence in late February and early March, because they say mob violence cannot be broken down into specific crimes.
As U. S. Catholic priests returned from the Vatican in Rome this week to discuss the problem of sexual abuse of children by priests, little attention is being paid to reports of sexual exploitation of nuns in Africa by the church's clergy.
The legislature is set to pass a law banning female genital mutilation and imposing a two year jail term for offenders.
South Asians Against Nukes is an independent web site to bring together information resources for peace and anti nuclear activists in South Asia.
Israeli-Palestinian Peoples' Peace Campaign (IPPPC) declares that in both peoples there are majorities that believe in the possibility for peace based on ending the occupation, on two states for two peoples and on Jerusalem two capitals for two states.