
In a landmark judgment last week, the Bombay High Court ruled that divorces between Muslim couples will now have to be "convincingly proved in a court of law under the civil procedure court and the Indian Evidence Act."
The Special Rapporteur is seeking information on whether and how recommendations in her reports have been implemented by governments worldwide.
An Islamic court in northern Nigeria has sentenced a man to death by stoning for the crime of rape.
The final pre-trial hearing for the case against Ariel Sharon will be heard in a Belgian court on 15th May.
Creates and provides channels of communication between women's rights organisations and the public in Arab countries.
Iraq, some women fear, is in danger of becoming a man's world. Efforts to establish an interim government that reflects the country's diverse ethnic and religious character are gathering pace.
The fundamentalist Muslim government in a Malaysian state will ban women from wearing bikinis and from sharing swimming pools with men.
Women made up 10% of the 300 or so candidates standing in the local polls, but none has been selected by the electorate.