
Response from Nasrine Abou-Bakre Gross, Afghan Women's Rights Activist and Negar Member, to the article of July 31, 2002 entitled 'US-Grown Feminist's Pace of Reform Riles Afghan Women', of which she was the subject.
A girl in Nigeria is taking her father to court for allegedly forcing her to marry against her wish, according to a Lagos-based newspaper.
Extremist Islamic scholars-and the madrasas (religious schools) where they teach—dramatically captured headlines in the West in the last year and eclipsed more moderate scholars.
WLUML notices with dismay that the attention of the international mainstream media is focused on a single event that, although tragic and condemnable, overwhelms all of the other issues which remain to be addressed and resolved.
Israel has decided to tackle its "demographic problem" head-on.
Rioting has broken out in Indonesia's Moluccas islands following the reported killing of three women in the religiously-divided region.
A conservative Muslim body in India has gone to the High Court to challenge the legal age of marriage, which currently stands at 18.
Creating a culture that says NO to violence against women.
This legal literacy programme for women in Morocco was elaborated by the Morocco field office of the International Human Rights Law Group and 14 Moroccan women’s advocacy NGOs and local development associations from around the country.