
The Chief Justice of Pakistan, The Hon Mr Justice Sh. Riaz Ahmad, with senior members of the Pakistani judiciary took part in a judicial conference with UK Judges to discuss best practice on handling child contact, child abduction & forced marriage cases.
While Pakistan fights global terrorism alongside the United States and its allies, the country’s women are engaged in their own war against the terror of escalating ‘honour’ killings.
When Kuwait's emir decreed women should have the vote, the freewheeling Parliament -- a rare symbol of democratic ideals in the Persian Gulf -- used its constitutional powers to overrule him.
Ayesha Imam and BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights honoured for their work against the discriminatory application of the new Sharia laws in Nigeria's Northern States.
After spending most of the past 18 months in prison, Egypt's most prominent advocate for democracy and human rights, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, has been freed by the country's highest criminal court.
Nigeria’s leading Islamic council, Jama'atu Nasril Islam, overruled the death sentence or fatwa passed on a local newspaper reporter for an article considered blasphemous by Muslims.
Iran’s Guardian Council, a hard-line conservative force in Iran, recently approved a bill broadening women’s divorce rights—a right that has been severely limited since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
As the nomination period for judges to the International Criminal Court draws to a close on Saturday, at least two governments have chosen to bypass the nominations of qualified women and have instead put forward questionable candidates
Imams are learning about Dutch norms.
A three-day Southeast Asia Regional Meeting on ‘Islam, Politics and Women: What Identities? Whose Interests’ was held from 26 – 28 October 2002 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.