
The fundamental problem facing Muslims and others seeking to understand Islam is not there are too many Islams. There is only one Islam, but there are a thousand possible interpretations of the texts and precepts.
Statistics of so-called 'passion-killings' may not be available for comparative scientific analysis, but from regular media reports, there can be no doubt that Botswana is the front runner in this new wave of ghastly crime.
While Lebanon acceded to CEDAW in 1997, it placed a reservation on the article that stipulates that "states parties shall grant women equal rights with respect to the nationality of their children".
The seemingly ineradicable practice of child marriage in India will face new legal obstacles following a Supreme Court decision requiring marrying couples to register their age and consent with local authorities.
The Supreme Court’s directive for compulsory registration of marriages will be nothing short of a revolution. Whether it will lead to a corresponding social revolution in the protection of rights, especially of women and children, remains to be seen.
India's Supreme Court has given the federal and state governments three months to enact legislation making it compulsory to register all marriages. The court said the public's views would be invited on the new legislation.
Under current law, Ehtimad Bensallah's children cannot obtain Moroccan citizenship because nationality is conferred by fathers and her children's father is a foreigner.
"Of course this isn't about freedom of speech." I've heard that line countless times in Karachi lately about the Danish cartoon controversy, including from journalists who fiercely guard their own right to work without censorship.
Tarek Fatah of The Muslim Chronicle writes, "Amir Hassanpour and Shahrzad Mojab are associate professors at the University of Toronto. Amir teaches Middle Eastern Civilizations while Shahrzad is director of the Women and Gender Studies Institute."
Family legal arbitrations must now use Canadian law.