
Armed with Quranic texts that emphasize equality, justice and compassion, Sisters in Islam advocates new interpretations of the Quran which are more supportive of women's rights.
Sometimes it seems that Zainah Anwar — articulate, a little brassy, a presence wherever she goes — single-handedly keeps the flame for women's rights alive in Malaysia, a country that portrays itself as the model of a progressive Muslim society.
"I am satisfied," commented Teesta Setalvad, the "judge has conducted the retrial in a fair and transparent manner."
Since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq has seen a proliferation of female journalists and radio programs focused on women's issues. Three female talk show hosts visited New York to hone their skills with U.S. talk radio pros.
Exactly four years ago, Gujarat witnessed a state-sponsored genocide that culminated in the deaths of some three thousand Muslims and led to a complete breakdown of inter-community relations, the scars of which have still not healed.
A leading Jordanian rights group has launched the country's first ever public campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of early marriage.
Responses on the elections held on January 25, 2006.
An international women’s human rights organization advocating for gender-inclusive justice and working towards an effective and independent International Criminal Court (ICC).
A study of the Iraqi Constitution and the international obligations of Iraq under CEDAW with specific relation to Article 39 of the Constitution.
Four bills directly relating to women were introduced in the National Assembly. The most important of these was the one moved by the PPP (Parliamentarians) simply titled the Hudood Laws (Repeal) Bill 2005.