
The Cabinet told the Federal Territory Religious Department to disband the "snoop team" as it is tantamount to invasion of privacy. With this move, they sent a clear message "forget about it" to other groups that may have plans to set up similar units.
The politics behind the 'religious' conflict by Yoginder Sikand.
Recent reports of clashes between Muslims and Buddhists in Ladakh triggered off by the alleged desecration of the Qur'an in a village in Kargil are an ominous reminder.
In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, sexual apartheid rules. But things are changing - the world of work is opening up to women and economic freedom is beginning to empower them in other ways, too.
Bodies littered the streets of the southern Nigerian city of Onitsha as the death toll from days of violence between Christians and Muslims across Nigeria rose to at least 96.
In a move influenced by Egypt and the Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC) the two organizations were arbitrarily dismissed in a joint motion put to the NGO committee by Iran, Sudan and their newest ally, the United States.
AWID interviews Stephen Barris from the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) - an organisation that was recently denied consultative status at the UN.
The Organisation of Islamic Countries has denounced calls for the death of the Danish cartoonist. OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said in Pakistan that the calls were un-Islamic and urged Muslims to refrain from violent protests.
The Federal Government has approved a draft bill seeking to ban same sex marriages and relationships in the country. If enacted by the National Assembly, offenders face a five-year jail term without option of fine.
Supporters of some militia leaders have clashed with an armed Islamist group. Their opponents say the Islamic courts are terrorising local people. A top cleric says fighting will continue until the other side surrenders.