
Equality Now recently called on the Saudi government to take urgent action to reunite Fatima Bent Suleiman Al Azzaz and Mansour Ben Attieh El Timani, a happily married couple who were forced to divorce against their will.
Outstanding activists show how it is indeed possible to fight for LGBT rights by working with other Human Rights and feminist partners, positive examples are provided in the fashion of a survival kit.
The president of Mali has announced that he is not going to sign the country's new family law, instead returning it to parliament for review. Muslim groups have been protesting against the law, which gives greater rights to women, ever since parliament adopted it at the start of the month. President Amadou Toumani Toure said he was sending the law back for the sake of national unity. Muslim leaders have called the law the work of the devil and against Islam.
Through the last month, Pakistani media celebrated the recognition of the citizenship rights of the hijra community by a Supreme Court ruling which declared them entitled to ‘protection guaranteed under Article four and Article nine of the Constitution.
This report was initiated and guided by Yakin Ertürk, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Its Causes and Consequences.
Letter to the Press by South African activists in response to the controversy surrounding the 800 m women’s world running champion, Caster Semenya and the flurry of articles surrounding this sad saga.
For the first time, feminists in Bahrain are seeking new Islamic perspectives on gender and women's empowerment, and asking for modern interpretations of the Quran.
The Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF) today calls upon organizations and activists working on human rights issues in all Arab countries to apply for grants to a maximum of $25,000 per application.
The High Court today issued a Rule Nisi today on the Government and the Inspector General of Police as follows:
A violent public backlash provoked by conservative religious leaders has many gay men now fearing for their safety.