
A man has been charged with shooting dead his pregnant sister for marrying without family permission, after luring her to another brother's wedding in a conspiracy with him, police said on Thursday.
President Karzai Makes Shia Women Second-Class Citizens for Electoral Gain.
Due to the proximity of Afghan elections in August 2009, women rights activists and civil society actors have launched the Five Million Afghan Women Campaign in order to support women’s political participation.
A leading Muslim academic has said there is evidence in the Koran that homosexuality can be compatible with Islam.
A recent penal code change is positive, but call for equal punishment for all murders, including 'honour killings'.
While rights groups are celebrating a newly-adopted family code in Mali that changes marriage laws and expands girls’ rights, Muslim leaders and youths have vowed, even threatening violence, to block the code from becoming law.
A five-year-old girl was beheaded by a neighbour who believed her 'sacrifice' would help him and his wife conceive a son.
On 30 July, President Obama named 16 recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom, including Mary Robinson, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The High Court today allowed Islamic religious councils from 7 states and the Federal Territory, together with the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association, to be interveners in a judicial review case on the use of the word "Allah" in a Catholic newsletter.
"One of the men interviewed in prison told Onal, "It's easy for women's charities and the EU to say 'stop killing' from afar, but people will not stop. If you live in our neighborhoods, you would kill. We have to change our neighborhoods..."