Arab countries: Call for applications for grants

The Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF) today calls upon organizations and activists working on human rights issues in all Arab countries to apply for grants to a maximum of $25,000 per application.
The deadline is August 31, 2009, and application forms can be downloaded from AHRF will support human rights activities in all 22 member states of the Arab League. Applications from outside the region or from those in enforced exile are also welcome if the activities have an impact in the Arab region.
The AHRF is a Beirut-based, independent foundation providing financial resources and technical assistance to organizations and individuals active in the promotion of all human rights in the Arab region in line with local and regional needs. The AHRF believes that long-term development and sustainable progress in the Arab region depend on the enjoyment of all human rights by all individuals and communities. The Fund aims at encouraging social justice philanthropy in the Arab region.

AHRF Executive Director Fouad Hamdan said: “The AHRF, which was launched in March 2008, has completed its first grant-making cycle and is now ready for the second one. During the first grant-making cycle in 2008/2009, the AHRF supported with $297,907 the human rights activities of 25 organizations. They are from eleven Arab countries and Palestinians in Israel (1948 borders). Grants ranged between $7,500 and $20,000, averaging $11,916 and for a period of maximum one year. A grant for another year will be considered after an evaluation.”

AHRF Program Officer Samar Haidar said: “In our first cycle, the AHRF supported work on the rights of women, children, refugees and internally displaced persons, victims of violence, indigenous people, workers, farmers and people with disabilities. Others issues supported include freedom of expression, human rights education and litigation and the problems of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances.”

“The AHRF’s mission is to provide support for the promotion and realization of all human rights in the Arab region in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It carries out its responsibilities and programs in accordance with these rights and principles without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,” Ms. Haidar noted.

Mr. Hamdan said that the improvement of human rights in the region requires persistent efforts by everyone concerned with human dignity and social justice”, and he appealed for individual and corporate donations to the Arab Human Rights Fund to help it continue its important work.

“The AHRF encourages social justice philanthropy in the Arab region and aims to establish a long-term endowment to ensure sustainability and reduce dependence on foreign funding,” he added.

AHRF operates according to the principles of transparency and accountability. Information about its purposes, methods of work and financial position is available.

Contacts: • Interviews: Executive Director Fouad Hamdan, Tel +961 1 34 29 00, Mob +961 70 20 38 89,; and Program Officer Samar Haidar, Tel +961 1 34 29 00, Mob +961 3 53 60 10,

• Grant applications: Carefully read info at, then contact

• Donations:

Source: AHRF