
All over the world, diverse groups use arguments based on anti-rights interpretations of religion, culture and tradition to justify violence and discrimination. This publication from AWID highlights agreements that affirm the universal and interconnected nature of human rights. It can be used by human rights advocates to challenge state and non-state actors attempting to block the development, progress and protection of laws at all levels.

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Violence committed “in the name of religion”, that is, on the basis of or arrogated to religious tenets of the perpetrator, can lead to massive violations of human rights, including freedom of religion or belief.

Secularism is being challenged in several Sub-Saharan African states which have long guarded it as a principle of governance. Its preservation is important for the protection of women's rights from religious interventions.

‘There is such a strong desire on the part of many of us to make clear that “I am not ISIS. I am not like those crazies,”’ according to Ani Zonneveld, founder of Muslims for Progressive Values. She explains the struggle to organize progressive Muslim communities and institutions in a fight back in the era of ISIS, in conversation with Karima Bennoune.

ABIDJAN, 5 décembre 2012 (IRIN) - L’adoption par le Parlement ivoirien d’une loi sur l’égalité au sein des couples mariés a provoqué la colère de certains habitants, notamment parmi les plus religieux. Selon eux, cette loi va créer plus de problèmes au sein des foyers qu’elle ne va en résoudre.

In a Letter to U.S. Government and Roman Catholic Church Leaders, Women-Church Convergence, declares "present policies unworthy of a great nation dedicated to democracy, justice and freedom under God."