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Edited by Algerian sociologist and WLUML founder, Marieme Hélie-Lucas, this bumper dossier brings you papers by over 15 contributors, including Karima Bennoune: The Law of the Republic Versus the ‘Law of the Brothers': A story of France’s law banning religious symbols in public; Pragna Patel: Cohesion, Multi-Faithism and the Erosion of Secular Spaces in the UK: Implications for the human rights of minority women; and Gita Sahgal: ‘The Question Asked by Satan’: Doubt, dissent and discrimination in 21st-century Britain

The exhibition looks at women's dress in some Muslim countries and communities and is a snapshot of diversities and commonalities through space and time. These highlight the influence of many forces – class, status, region, work, religious interpretation, ethnicity, urban/rural, politics, fashion, climate.

Cette exposition ne peut donner qu‘un bref aperçu des spécificités et des points communs qu‘on retrouve au cours des siècles ou par delà les continents, et qui mettent en relief l‘influence de multiples forces et facteurs : la classe, le statut, la région, le métier, les interprétations religieuses, l‘appartenance ethnique, le mode de vie rural ou urbain, la

The building of a civil society rests upon public participation, on the way society is currently being run, on the values being promoted, and on how resources are currently being distributed. 

However, governments, politicians, elites, often give the false impression that only they are qualified for political and social participation and that ordinary people have little to contribute besides electing them to the office. Such attitudes have silenced many voices form expressing their concerns. 

via AWID

Two decades after the Fourth World Conference on Women, women and girls around the world deserve better than this year’s CSW outcomes. At this time of celebration and affirmation of Beijing and commitment to accelerated implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, what women don’t need is an outcome weakened by its lack of engagement with women on the ground and lacking in vision and commitment.

On the occasion of the 59th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 59), and in response to the invitation to the Executive Director of the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) to address the Commission at the opening of its fifty-ninth session, AWID called on feminists and women’s rights advocates around the world to share three key mess

The WLUML E-Gazette is a quarterly publication sent out to subscribers which sheds light upon the activities of the network and share important updates about women's and gender issues in the Muslim world and beyond. 

This document, entitled "Remembering" was created by Women Living Under Muslim Laws and delivered as a powerpoint presentation during the 59th session of the CSW to review the 15th year of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action.  Despite significant breakthroughs in the past 20 years, violence against women and girls justified in the name of religion, customs, traditions – in short, culture - remains unabated. Women continue to be persecuted and killed for making choices in life that are perceived to defy social norms.  The presentation was created as a tribute to these women, to honour them and their sacrifices.

Please download the file attached here to view the pdf.

A Powerpoint version is available here.
