BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights, as part of her activities under the 'Stop Killing and Stoning of Women' Campaign of the 'Women Redefining and Reclaiming Culture' programme of WLUML and IWE, recently held four live phone-in programmes on radio in four geo-political zones in Nigeria.

Womankind is an indigenous local NGO based in Garissa, in the North eastern province of Kenya. Here in an audio interview Executive Director, Hubbie Hussein Al-Haji, talks to WLUML about WomanKind's need for material and moral support in their struggle against culturally and religiously justified violence and discrimination towards girls and women in Kenya.

Ziba Mir-Hosseini is an anthropologist by training who has been working on Islamic Family Law for the past 25 years. In this audio interview, Mir-Hosseini explains how, for her, feminism in a Muslim context is struggling for justice, standing up against discrimination and having the ability to make dignified choices in life. Director of the documentary film, "Divorce Iranian Style" (1998), Mir-Hosseini says that the research she did for the film was part of a wider project on the application of family law in Iran and Morocco, which came out as a book in 1993.

Algerian sociologist and founder of the international solidarity network, Women Living Under Muslim laws, Marieme Hélie-Lucas talks to networker, Amal al-Ashtal, about the origins and early years of WLUML.

Homa Hoodfar is Professor of Anthropology at Concordia University and has been actively involved in Women Living Under Muslim Laws since the 1980s. Her publications include: “Building Civil Societies: A Guide for Social and Political Participation”.

Farida Shaheed is Director of Research at Shirkat Gah - Women's Resource Centre in Pakistan. In 1986 she met Marieme Hélie-Lucas, the founder of Women Living Under Muslim Laws, who had come to Pakistan for a  program called 'Muslim Women Speak'. Farida Shaheed is a longstanding council member of WLUML. Ms. Shaheed is also the first Independent Expert on cultural rights.

Fatou Sow is a Senegalese Sociologist. A member of a number of African and international associations, Ms. Sow is a founding member of Le Groupe de recherche sur les Femmes et les lois au Sénégal (GREFELS) and is currently the Coordinator of the International Coordination Office of Women Living Under Muslim Laws.

Codou Bop is a journalist based in Dakar, Senegal and is the Coordinator of the Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et les Lois au Senegal (GREFELS) and the Africa-Middle East regional coordination office for Women Living Under Muslim Laws. Ms. Bop's publications include: "Islam and Women's Sexual Health and Rights in Senegal" in Islam and Human Rights: Advocacy for Social Change in Local Contexts, Global Media Publications, 2006.
