By Charles Recknagel

Honor beatings are not a term usually associated with Internet videos. But the genre continues to creep onto the web with clips purportedly showing Kyrgyz migrant women in Russia being beaten by their male compatriots for allegedly shaming their nation.

By Charles Recknagel

The latest video, which first appeared on December 16 on the Russian-language Bilayv website and has since been posted on YouTube, makes for disturbing viewing.

Filmed by the attackers themselves, it apparently shows a young Kyrgyz woman cowering on the platform of an empty suburban train station in an unidentified Russian city and being kicked repeatedly in the back, stomach, and chest by two unseen men.

The sound accompanying the video is a string of curses and profanity in which the men accuse her of having sexual relations with non-Kyrgyz men, specifically Uzbeks and Tajiks.

Son visage paraîtrait innocent, avec ses lèvres boudeuses, ses joues roses, l'air juvénile, si les clichés où elle apparaît ne la montraient brandissant crânement un pistolet ou une grenade : à 17 ans, elle fut probablement l'une des deux kamikazes du métro de Moscou. "Il a été établi à quasiment 100 % que c'est bien elle qui a commis l'acte terroriste", a indiqué, vendredi 2 avril, à l'agence Interfax une source des forces de l'ordre au Daguestan, région pauvre et reculée du Caucase du Nord, dont la jeune fille était originaire.

Russian authorities say they are almost certain that one of the suicide bombers who attacked the Moscow Metro on Monday was a 17-year-old girl from Dagestan. The girl, Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, is believed to be the widow of a senior Caucasus militant killed by Russian security forces late last year. Dagestan, like nearby Chechnya, is struggling to quell militant violence. The morning rush-hour bombings killed 40 people and injured more than 80, most of whom are still in hospital. Update to Russia: Female suicide bombers kill dozens on Moscow subway

Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on the Moscow subway during the morning rush hour today, killing at least 35 people and injuring 51, Russian officials said. Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow, told reporters the suicide bombers were believed to have set off their explosives as trains approached Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. "The first data that the FSB [Federal Security Service] has given us is that there were two female suicide bombers," he told reporters at Park Kultury.

La polyandrie (polygamie des femmes) ainsi que toute discussion autour de ce sujet sont inadmissibles au sein de la société musulmane, ont annoncé mercredi les muftis russes. Cette déclaration fait suite à la publication dans le journal égyptien al-Masri al-Youm d'un article de la journaliste saoudienne Nadine al-Bedeir appelant à introduire dans la législation islamique une fatwa (décret religieux) permettant aux femmes musulmanes d'avoir quatre maris. Selon la journaliste, l'adoption d'une telle loi accorderait aux femmes des droits égaux à ceux des hommes.

Chechnya's president Ramzan Kadyrov orders female civil servants to wear headscarves.
In 2005, an ostensibly marginal show of conceptual art installations called Caution, Religion! in the Sakharov Centre for Human Rights led to charges of, "inciting religious hatred and offending the feelings of religious believers."
The Orthodox Christian religion is being made a compulsory school subject in four of Russia's regions.
Most Central Asians maintain a largely secular worldview but among those searching for a new ethnic or national identity, there is renewed interest in religious ideas. Radical Islamic political ideas have also arrived from elsewhere in the Muslim world.