
قامت اصوات – نساء فلسطينيّات مثليّات باصدار كتابها الثالث "وقفة بنات: سرد شخصي". اليوم وللمرة الثالثة، تتخذ النساء العربيات قرار عدم التزام الصمت بعد؛ تختار الحديث عن أكثر الأوقات والأمور حميمية وتحديًا لهنّ، يتحدثن عن مسيرات خروجهن إلى العائلة، إلى المجتمع وعلى الأخصّ إلى أنفسهنّ. جائت فكرة كتابة هذه القصص من حاجتنا إلى الكلام والمشاركة وتوثيق تجارب حياتنا كجزء من مسيرة التمكين الذاتي لأنفسنا كأفراد وكمجموعة. قصصنا هذه لا تعرض فقط من منظور ديني، سياسي ، أبوي واجتماعي، بل أيضًا من منظور التجربة الشخصية الداخلية والصراع مع هويّتنا الجندرية وتوجّهنا الجنسي. ليس "وقفة بنات" مجرّد توثيق لنضالنا ولنضال الفئات المهمّشة في المجتمع الأبوي المغاير . بل هو معدّ، أيضًا، لفتح نافذة من الأمل لأولئك الذين يتساءلون حول جنسانيّتهم وميولهم الجنسية وهويّتهم الجندرية. ورسالة لمَن يظنون أنهم وحدهم أو غير طبيعيين في عالم يدين كل ما هو خارج حدود خطّها المجتمع الحديث والديانات التوحيدية الثلاث وتوقّعات الآباء لإتباع المعايير الاجتماعية المقبولة. 

Palestinian Gay Woman is pleased to announce the publication of “Waqfet Banat”. Today, for the third time, Arab women make a decision to no longer remain silent; they choose to speak about their most intimate and challenging times, their coming out journeys, not only to family, friends and society, but specifically to themselves. These stories were written as the need to tell and share them, and document our life experiences became a deep part of our self-empowerment process as individuals and as a community.  We believe we must tell our stories, not only from a religious, political, parental or societal perspective, but also from the vantage point of our inner personal experience and the struggle with our sexual orientation and gender identity. 

Aswat-Palestinian Gay Women harshly condenms Israel's deadly raid on the Gaza humanitarian flotilla and calls for an immediate, international investigation into the flotilla assult, full accountability for those responsible, and the lifting of the Gaza blockade. 

Religious women make change happen, whether it’s by seeking peace or inciting war. Strong beliefs can inspire social justice or block a woman's access to freedom or equality. Join the International Museum of Women as they explore the relationship between faith and politics in the lives of women around the world. 

The current wave of assaults on Israeli peace and human rights organizations, intended to silence and restrict us, only convinces us of the importance of our work and of the impact it has on the Israeli establishment, write the Coalition of Women for Peace. The past year has seen many encouraging developments: The BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement has been growing and “To ourselves, Arabs and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis, we need to say: We must not lose hope. We will continue this struggle until the Palestinian people are free and justice is done. And to the people of Gaza and all the Palestinian people we say: Do not despair, we will end the occupation!” - Abir Kopty, CWP activist. The CWP 2009 report is attached below.

A surgical strike on Israel's wallet could end the occupation, writes Matthew A. Taylor in Haaretz: What on earth will it take to persuade Israel to leave the occupied territories? Sometimes it seems as if nothing will work. For eight years now, the Arab Peace Initiative, which early Zionist leaders would have seen as a dream-come-true, has been collecting dust. Its terms include two states based on the pre-1967 borders, a mutually agreed-upon solution to the Palestinian refugee crisis, and normalized diplomatic relations between Israel and the entire Arab world. What once would have appeared to many to be Israel's salvation now seems impossible given Israel's entrenched colonial position in the West Bank and the settlers' political power. Update on Israel/Palestine: Endorse UC Berkeley bid to divest from companies linked to Israeli occupation

ويعد التقرير، الذي صدر في ثلاثمائة صفحة، هو المجلد الخامس من سلسلة تقارير التنمية الإنسانية العربية، التي يرعاها برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي، ويضعها عدد من المثقفين والباحثين في البلدان العربية. وانتقد التقرير أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في البلاد العربية، وعلاقة الدولة فيها بالمواطن وأمنه وحقوقه، وغياب الدولة المدنية.

Nous sommes des citoyens israéliens. Nous voudrions exprimer notre soutien à nos amis en France qui défendent l’appel palestinien au Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) internationales à l’encontre d’Israël. Nous aimerions insister sur le fait que prendre part à une activité de cette sorte n’est d’aucune manière discriminatoire, antisémite ou raciste, mais qu’il s’agit bien au contraire d’une action basée sur les valeurs universelles de liberté, d’égalité, de respect des droits de l’homme, ainsi que sur le droit international.

For the first time in the University of California history, the UC Berkeley Student Senate has approved a bill to divest from two US companies in response to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and to Israel’s siege and bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The Senate bill directs both the UC Regents and the Student Government to divest from two American companies, General Electric and United Technologies*. In addition, the bill creates a task force to look into furthering a socially responsible investment policy for the UC system. However, the bill has been vetoed, and in their campaign to override the veto on 14 April, led by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the Student Senate are up against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] that has launched a drive to take over student government at the UC Berkeley.

As an Ashkenazi (a Jew from European descent) Israeli who was born in Australia to refugee parents, I have the luxury of living in Israel whenever I choose to, with full rights. Like other Jewish citizens, I have the freedom to move, access to hospitals, universities and water. What a luxury. So how can I call this place home and fascist at the same time, asks Alex Nissem.