WRRC Archive

This archive is a collection of products - videos, presentations, essays, press releases, advocacy materials, briefing papers, and many more - from the projects supported by the WRRC Programme. Every project is described and the related products attached. The archive can be searched by theme, country or type of product. This site is intended as a resource for activists, organisations, development professionals, and interested experts.   


The VNC Campaign was involved in the creation of the ASEAN Progressive Muslim Movement (APMM) in Year 1 of the WRRC Programme, and supported the attendance of the VNC Campaign Manager and a delegate from the SCN-CREST in Indonesia.


The WRRC Programmme helped support the participation of VNC partners to the fourth WLUML Feminist Leadership Institute in Senegal in 2009, which was a two-week long training institute which brought together WHRDs from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and diasporas with sessions on media, human rights, rights within Islam, sexuality, and advocacy in Muslim contexts.


In 2010 Shabakeh had their project, Equal Despite Difference under the WRRC Programme. The project brought together a network of Iranian lesbians in Germany and other parts of Europe to form a network and online space. Their focus is on human-rights, free-speech and anti-VAW.


WRAHP’s organizational goal is to achieve a just and equitable society where women and young girls enjoy sound health, equal development and maximum self actualization.

WRAHP works to attain this through six core objectives, two of which have goals that address women’s rights. These are:


Three working papers for the women's inheritance and property rights theme were written under the WRRC Programme:


Puan Pandhita’s organizational goal is to build critical consciousness about women’s sexual and reproductive rights to the society through visual media and build this network of consciousness among women.

Project Objectives:


In 2008, a small grant from the Sexuality, Society and Gender Program of the University of Uppsala in Sweden was recived to undertake a research on Senegalese women’s sexuality which findings would be published as a book.The research was completed an all articles drafted, but the money for printing and disseminating the book was lacking.  This grant made the publication possible.  

Project:  Publication of a Resource Book on Sexuality in Senegal


One of the most fundamental stumbling blocks encountered and reported by the project partners of the WRRC-SWG was the difficulty of adequately addressing the many and diverse issues around the denial and oppression of women’s rights in sexuality, especially in the context of fundamentalist and anti-women ‘religious’ interpretations and practices, which are spreading in many parts of the globe, in particular, in Asian and African countries, with disastrous consequences for women’s rights and well-being.



IPP focuses on the empowerment of young lesbians (18 – 30 years old) in Indonesia. IPP uses a strategy called EDUFUNTAINMENT (Education, Fun and Entertainment) and the promotion of cool politics.




The objectives of this project were:

  1. To ascertain the nature and extent of sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the Ministries of the GoA by means of a questionnaire to be completed anonymously by a sampling of male and female employees of representative Ministries, and
  2. To develop a workshop to educate staff in Ministries regarding sexual harassment and discrimination of women. 

Main Strategies: