
Op-Ed: "Social ills are being created by the practice of multiple marriages."
"In the latest killing, or at least the latest to come to public attention, Kurdistan Aziz was 16 years old when she escaped her family with a man she knew they would not accept, and courageously following the ancient tradition of 'radu kauten' they eloped together to Arbil, the capital city of Iraqi Kurdistan. They planned to start a life together. But her father had other ideas for her; not of love, happiness or choice but that she must die for this rebellion against the patriarchal order.
Depuis le meurtre de Doa (Du'a) Khalil Aswad il y a un peu plus d'un an, il n'y a que peu de personnes qui peuvent ne pas être conscientes qu'au Kurdistan même les pierres sur le sol sont des preuves de la brutalité contre les femmes.
Lys Anzia of the Women News Network (WNN) looks at the suffering of Kurdish women and the dramatic increase in their acts of self-destruction.
Like their colleagues across Iraq, the doctors and nurses at the Emergency Management Centre in Irbil work relentlessly. The medical specializations at this hospital are war surgery and burns.
A law requiring women to have a male guardian sign their passport application angers women in Iraqi Kurdistan.
A United Nations report on the human rights situation in Iraq has criticized the Kurdish provinces for a poor record in addressing acts of violence towards women.
Condamnons la lapidation de Doa Khalil Aswad, condamnée à mort pour être tombée amoureuse!
Video released on the internet; sign the petition condemning her brutal murder.
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