
Aujourd’hui, un jour après avoir rendu hommage aux femmes militantes, nous apprenons de l’activiste algérienne, Cherifa Kheddar, qu’elle a été agressée par la police et arrêtée avec certains autres membres de son organisation alors qu’ils/elles tentaient de manifester devant le bureau central à Alger lors de la journée internationale des droits des femmes.

Le 08 mars 2015, le message féministe d’El Mouradia était censé faire le Buzz. Promesses réformistes, égalitaires et de non-violence.
Pourtant sur l’asphalte algérois la réalité était toute autre.

Karima Bennoune is UC Davis law professor, author of “Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism” and a WLUML Board Member.

As President Obama prepares to chair the September 24 special session of the UN Security Council, it is critical to understand that this evolving conflict is not just between the United States and Islamic State. This is a global struggle against jihadist violence and the ideas that underlie it.

Indonesia is an archipelago country with 240 million people spread in more than 13,000 islands, living in 3 time zones, with 34 provinces and hundreds of districts/cities. It is one of the largest social media users especially among youth, not only middle-class, but also grass-roots particularly migrant workers. Known as a prominent organization founded by young women’s activists, which have been working for almost two decades, the Institute understands that combating human trafficking in a majority Muslim population country (with Christian, Catholic, Budhist, and Hindu least than 9 percent of population) will touch sensitive issues such as moral, cultural, and religious, not to mention patriarchal mindset from the government officials, parliament members, and also media, making the efforts face strong resistances and difficulties, and even threats. Some of NGOs released monitoring report on conflict showing conflict is still remains as problem. West Java is one of the highest rank province potentially effect by conflict.

If, as seems likely, Mr. Mohammad cannot repay his debt to a fellow camp resident a year from now, his daughter Naghma, a smiling, slender child with a tiny gold stud in her nose, will be forced to leave her family’s home forever to be married to the lender’s 17-year-old son.

كشفت صحيفة ُ الغارديان أن أكثرَ من مليون ِ أرملة ٍمِنْهن اربعُمئة ِ الف ٍ في العاصمة بغداد وحدِها هي مُحَصِلة ُ حروب ِ العراق والصراعات ِ الطائفية التي إجتاحت البلادَ خلال عام ِ الفين وستة .

سنان أنطون: يكثر الحديث عن الحرب والاحتلال وتبعاتهما وآثارهما على أوضاع المرأة في العراق، دون الإلتفات، بما فيه الكفاية، إلى تأثير الحصار وسنوات العقوبات الاقتصادية بين ١٩٩٠ و٢٠٠٣. هل لك أن تحدّثينا عن عواقب الحصار على العراق بما يخص أوضاع المرأة في العراق اقتصادياً واجتماعياً؟

BAMAKO, 22 June 2012 (IRIN) - Strict Sharia, or Islamic religious laws, imposed by the Islamist rebels controlling vast swathes of northern Mali are driving thousands of students out of schools. Dress codes have been imposed, boys and girls are forced to learn separately, and subjects deemed to promote “infidelity” have been struck off the curriculum.

Outraged parents are transferring their children and some students are opting to miss examinations rather than learn under these conditions.

Violence against women demonstrators in Egypt erupted again on Tuesday when a frenzied mob of 200 men sexually assaulted a female protester in Tahrir Square. Then, during a rally on Friday to protest the incident, about 50 women and their male allies were themselves brutalized and chased away by another mob.

Women protesters and rights groups have accused Egyptian troops and prison authorities of sexual assault during the latest crackdown on demonstrations, reviving allegations they are using abuse to intimidate female detainees and protesters. The charges made on Wednesday added new tension to Egypt's presidential election campaign, just two weeks before the voting.

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