
US-educated Aseel al-Awadhi and Rola Dashti were among winners in the third district, official results declared.
Kuwaiti female activists yesterday called for more judicial empowerment pursuant to the policy of their involvement in national development alongside their male peers.
Islamic MPs are obliging Education Minister Nouriya Al-Sabeeh and Housing Minister Moudhi Al-Homoud to wear hijabs during parliamentary sessions in implementation of Islamic rules and regulations.
The shares of the first Islamic holding company established and directed by women and intended to serve women in the country will soon hit the Kuwait market.
New arrests show that Kuwait has resumed enforcing a repressive dress code that criminalizes "imitating the appearance of the opposite sex," Human Rights Watch said today.
Le ministère koweïtien de l’Intérieur doit très prochainement annoncer la création d’une unité de police entièrement féminine, qui sera dirigée par une femme.
Le site d’information en arabe, «elaph.com», publie ce lundi une longue interview de l’intellectuel koweïtien Ahmad Al-Baghdadi. Ancien enseignant universitaire, Al-Baghdadi s’emporte avec virulence contre la situation qui prévaut dans les pays arabes.
Officiellement depuis hier, c’est le Koweït qui a changé de week-end, optant pour le vendredi-samedi.
The Kuwaiti parliament on Monday passed a law banning women from working at night, except those in the medical profession, and barring them from jobs considered ‘immoral.’
Elle a prêté serment sans hidjab au parlement Koweïtien.
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