The massacre that killed 147 people and wounded scores of others at a Kenyan university lasted for hours Thursday before the terror was over.

GENEVA (17 February 2014) – A group of United Nations human rights experts today urged Kenya to repeal sections of the Marriage and Property Act which effectively deny women the right to marital property upon divorce or death of their spouse, unless they can prove they made a contribution to the acquisition of the property during their marriage.

“It is expected that very few women will be able to demonstrate such a contribution under the new provisions, since few Kenyan women have land title deeds in their own names and even less hold deeds jointly with men,” warned independent expert Frances Raday, who currently heads the UN Working Group on discrimination against women in law and practice.

A landmark decision by the High Court in Kenya found that police inaction in dealing with rape cases brought by 160 girls had created a climate of impunity for defilement, which rendered the State indirectly responsible for the harms inflicted on the girls by their rapists.

By Sally Chiwama

WOMEN from all over African and human rights organisations recently protested in the streets of Nairobi to press for the arrest and prosecution of six suspects who allegedly gang-raped a 16-year-old girl and later dumped her in a pit latrine.

The women who were mobilized by the Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW), UniTE for African Women and the African Women’s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET) walked from Uhuru Park to the office of the Inspector General of Police at Jogoo House and presented a petition that was signed by more than 1,200,000 people globally.

Source: FLD


Dans la matinée du 15 octobre 2013, la police kényanne a arrêté sept membres de Bunge la Mwananchi car ils sont soupçonnés d'avoir participé à un rassemblement illégal, alors qu'ils-elles protestaient contre l'augmentation de 16% de la taxe sur les biens courants.

Les personnes arrêtées sont Mme Ruth Mumbi et messieurs Francis Sakwa, John Koome, Winfred Olal, Chris Michael, Frederick Odhiambo et John Korir, l'actuel président de Bunge la Mwananchi.

Les manifestants ont été passés à tabac sur les lieux du rassemblement et placés en détention pendant près de quatre heures, avant d'être libérés sans charge.

Ruth Mumbi milite au sein de la communauté ; elle est fondatrice et actuelle coordinatrice nationale de Bunge la Wamama (le Parlement des femmes), une section féministe du mouvement Bunge la Mwananchi (le Parlement du peuple). Les deux groupes mènent des campagnes et plaident au sujet des questions liées à la justice sociale. Ruth Mumbi était aussi finaliste du Prix Front Line Defenders 2013 pour les défenseur-ses des droits humains en danger.

Equality Now has been monitoring multiple cases of Kenyan girls running away from their homes or avoiding going home from school during holidays to escape female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage, particularly during the August and December school holidays when mass mutilations are performed. The Pokot region, especially, has had a high number of reports of girls running away from home or refusing to return home from school. Despite the existence of Kenyan laws against FGM and child marriage, it is clear that they are not being implemented in the region to protect girls.

تشهد الدول في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا نمواً غير مسبوق في المناطق الحضرية، مما يفتح أمام المرأة فرصاًاقتصادية واجتماعية أكبر من جهة، ويعرّض سلامتها ورفاهها لمخاطر أكبر من جهة أخرى. وعلى عكس نظرائهم في المناطق الريفية، يُعتقد أن النساء في المناطق الحضرية يتمتعن بفرص اجتماعية واقتصادية وحريات سياسية أكبر.

Countries across Africa are experiencing unprecedented urban growth, presenting women with greater economic and social opportunities as well as greater risks to their safety and welfare. According to UN-HABITAT, “notable gender gaps in labour and employment, decent work, pay, tenure rights, access to and accumulation of assets, personal security and safety, and representation in formal structures of urban governance show that women are often the last to benefit from the prosperity of cities.”

NAIROBI, 30 November 2012 (PlusNews) - In August 2012, the African Gender and Media Initiative, a Kenyan NGO, released a report documenting cases of forced and coerced sterilizations of HIV-positive women, carried out by both private and government-run health facilities.

Wanjala Wafula is the founder and CEO of the Coexist Initiative, a Kenyan community-based organisation that works alongside boys and men to eliminate all forms of gender-based violence. Coexist was awarded the African Achievers Awards 2012, celebrating the successes of engaging men and boys as a means to empower young girls.

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