Economic and Social Development; Women Economic Empowerment; Revolution; Women's Rights

Mariam Diallo-Dramé, présidente fondatrice de "l'Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durable" (AFLED) du Mali, et WLUML networker, a reçu la Médaille du Mérite, décernée par le gouvernement du Mali en janvier. Ici, elle parle à WLUML au sujet de sa vie et sa travail.

Mariam Diallo-Dramé, President of the Association for Women Leaders and Sustainable Development (AFLED) of Mali, and WLUML networker, received the Medal of Merit, awarded by the Government of Mali in January. Here she talks to WLUML about her life and work.

قال الكاتب شوقي عقل إن الحصول على قرض صندوق النقد الدولي يزيد من إفقار النساء وتدني أوضاعهن السياسية والإجتماعية والثقافية، مؤكدا أن القرض يتضمن إساءة مستقبلية للمرأة ومزيد من القهر والإهانة لها.

Kinda Mohamadieh highlights the shortcomings of the last two decades of policy practice in the Arab Region. She looks at the positions of feminist and women’s groups on economic and social rights and policies in the Arab region addressing how to enforce equality and gender justic‘e in the policymaking in the region. She discusses the economic and social demands that lie at the heart of the revolutions witnessed in the Arab region, as well as the challenges to reclaiming citizenship and democracy within a system of global governance tilted to serve a mainstream orthodox economic model. She highlights the need for deepening the perspective and position of feminist and women’s groups on economic and social rights and policies in the Arab region.

To download the full report please click on the attachment below. 

لَقِّم المحتوى