[empower] women’s activism

Mariz Tadros considers the modern Egyptian women's movement and the obstacles it faces.
تشرع منظمة فلومل (النساء التي تعشن في ظل القوانين الاسلامية) حملة عالمية لوقف قتل ورجم النساء من أجل وضع حد لسوء الاستعمال بلا هوادة للدين والثقافة لتبرير الجرائم ضد النساء كعقاب لانتهاك "القوالب" المفروضة للسلوك الجنسي. ان قتل النساء -بأي حجة كانت- امر غ
Testimony of Ghada Jamsheer given to the Conference on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, held in November 2007.
Elle se doutait bien, Irshad Manji, que la publication d’un livre pamphlétaire sous forme de lettre ouverte à " (ses) chers musulmans" allait bouleverser sa vie.

This issue features articles on the launch of the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! and our Feminism in the Muslim World Third Leadership Institute. This issue features networkers' submissions from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Burma, India and Pakistan, as well as book and film reviews, updates on solidarity cases and more.

"Arrêtons le génocide des femmes en Irak! Dénonçons les assassinats de femmes à Bassoraet à Al-amara!"
Les familles victimes du massacre perpétré par les terroristes islamistes, le 11 janvier 1998, appellent les citoyennes et les citoyens à assister à la cérémonie de recueillement organisée à la mémoire des victimes, le 11 janvier 2008.
Najia Haneefi is the 2007 winner of the coveted International Service award for women's human rights, awarded at a ceremony on 5 Dec. at the House of Commons, London.
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