
In Belgium Sadaawi learned that Al Azhar University, Sunni Islam's premier institution, is filing suit against her for the play "God Resigns at the Summit Meeting" on the grounds that it insults Islam.
The Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, recently asserted that the growing number of headscarf wearers in Egypt must be taken as a sign of backwardness. An interview with Nabil Abdel-Fattah on the background behind the headscarf debate.
Cairo: Egypt’s top cleric declared yesterday that Islam does not bar women from becoming heads of state, denying press reports that had earlier attributed to him the opposite position.
A 2006 government survey found that 96 percent of Egyptian women who've been married have undergone some sort of genital mutilation and that nearly 70 percent of schoolgirls expected to be cut by the time they turn 18.
ECWR were so shocked and outraged by the reported attacks on women during Eid Al-Fitr that they dedicated their latest newsletter to the issue of sexual harassment, a growing problem in Egypt.
For the first time in Egypt's history, various governorates have named women as "Murshidat", religious guides and preachers.
Des leaders musulmans ont appelé lors d’une conférence internationale au Caire, à interdire les mutilations génitales féminines et à punir les auteurs de cette coutume. Ils ont indiqué dans leur déclaration finale que la pratique va à l’encontre du Coran.
In response to the incidents of sexual harassment reported during the Eid holiday and the rising frequency and severity of sexual harassment of women, please join us in speaking out.
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