
The Egyptian authorities have banned a 92-year-old man from marrying a 17-year-old girl, the Egyptian al-Akhbar newspaper has reported.
Le Parlement égyptien a voté une loi faisant de l’excision un crime punissable de 2 mois de prison ou d'une amende de 600 euros, sauf en cas de « nécessité médicale ». Une dérogation qui pourrait amoindrir la portée de cette loi.
Finding that the Egyptian press seldom provided independent sources of information or reported issues of interest to young people, a group of young journalists in Cairo decided to start their own radio station.
L'autorisation accordée, la semaine dernière en Egypte, à une femme pour célébrer des mariages musulmans et prononcer des divorces a provoqué un débat autour du rôle de la femme dans les institutions islamiques.
Amal Soliman has become Egypt's first woman able to perform Muslim marriages.
"Making Our Streets Safe for Everyone"
حملة "مـــن أجـل شـــارع آمــن للـجـمـيــع"
Mariz Tadros considers the modern Egyptian women's movement and the obstacles it faces.
The decision overturned the government's policy of forcing Baha'i Egyptians to choose one of the three state-recognized religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism as a prerequisite for obtaining identification documents.
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