
The campaign of solidarity with the three female activists - Asma'a Ali, Rasha Azab, Nada El-Kasas - declares its shock and disappointment regarding the decision on 20/05/06 by state security to renew their detainment for another 15 days.
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) & The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights (ECWR) are deeply concerned and strongly object to the continued detainment of 3 female activists - Asma'a Ali, Nada El-Kasas and Rasha Azab.
On 8 May, three female activists were arrested by state security. These repeating events remind us of what happened on the dark day of the Referendum last year when state security used sexual harassment as a weapon against female journalists.
If Egyptian Women's Day came and went without anyone in Cairo marking the occasion, it wasn't for lack of effort on the part of women's organizations.
This 62-page report documents serious human rights abuses stemming from discriminatory family laws that have resulted in a divorce system that affords separate and unequal treatment to men and women.
ECWR is deeply saddened and extremely concerned about this cancellation and what it implies about the supposed support of the government for women's empowerment and civil society.
ECWR will organize a celebration of Egyptian Women's Day on March 16 during which the first martyrdom of a female candidate will be recognized and freedoms in Egypt will be promoted. The celebration is entitled, " New year ….. New Hope."
Despite the opening of the first safe-house for women in Cairo, few are choosing to leave their abusive marriages due to the social stigma and financial insecurity they would face.
An Egyptian newspaper published several of the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that have sparked outrage across the Muslim world.
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