[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

La condition des femmes au Maroc est en grande partie déterminée par la violence véhiculée à travers les dispositions du code du statut personnel.
أصدرت المبادرة الفلسطينية لتعميق الحوار العالمي والديمقراطية "مفتاح" كتيّبأ جديداً حول الكوتا النسائية وذلك ضمن برنامجها، تقوية ودعم القيادات النسوية الفلسطينية / المرأة والانتخابات
Empowering Girls and Young Women at Risk in Morocco is intended to be a comprehensive and practical guide to working with girls and young women at risk from a human rights based approach.
Ce Resource Book est destiné aux organisations des droits des femmes et de développement local aussi qu’aux individus tels les journalistes, les avocats, les assistantes sociales, les chercheurs, et d’autres professionnelles.
The Women's Human Rights Training Evaluation Report will serve as a useful tool for all NGOs, activists, academicians and researchers working in areas related to human rights education and social change.
Women in Jordan and Turkey take on new leadership roles.
Une association féminine autonome.
SIS is a group of Muslim professional women committed to promoting the rights of women within the framework of Islam.
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