[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

Muslim women working towards social change in South Asia.
WLP creates leadership curricula for developing and enhancing participatory leadership skills, the kind individuals and organizations need for effective collaborative action.
Association pour l'egalite devante la loi (APEL) organise une rencontre débat avec des responsables d'associations de femmes d'Algérie le 22 mars.
Sur Manooré FM, "la voix des femmes" sénégalaises, "pas de tabous, on parle de tout", sauf de "politique politicienne".
A national advocacy initiative targets the public, government officials, civic authorities, junior high and high school students, NGOs, and girls and young women at risk.
The CSW focused on: the participation and access of women to the media, and information and communication technologies; and women’s human rights and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls.
L'International Human Rights Law Group a le grand plaisir de vous anoncer que le Mois de sensibilisation pour les filles et jeunes femmes a risque au Maroc.

Based on the sharing that took place at the 1999 WLUML Outreach Strategies Exchange Programme meeting, this tool documents some of the network’s experiences of outreach and identifies the basic principles that underlie outreach activities – no matter how diverse the actual activities have been across the Network With the aim of inspiring experimentation and dialogue among groups conducting outreach activities, it shared strategies at both general and specific illustrative levels.

The decision stunned even its leaders. During their model parliament held last April in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian women's rights activists first recommended that laws be enacted to restrain and regulate polygamy; that it be allowed only in exceptional cases and with the first wife being offered a divorce. But after the 126 "delegates" confirmed the vote, they dramatically invalidated the decision.
On November 25, 2002 WLP brought together an international group of women leaders to discuss the constraints and opportunities Muslim women face in expanding their political participation and leadership opportunities.
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