International: Call for applications for 2nd CSBR Sexuality Institute
Eligible applicants for the Institute must:
* Have a minimum of 2 years experience working in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights;
* Have a commitment to undertake efforts to promote sexual and bodily health and rights at national and international levels;
* Represent an organization/institution engaged in sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy, research or fieldwork;
* Be fluent in English.
To apply, please follow this link:
CSBR has succeeded in creating an alternative discourse and progressive spaces around sexuality and sexual rights in Muslim societies. Advocating to eliminate customary practices and discriminatory attitudes related to women’s sexuality, such as honor crimes, sexual violence, marital rape, sexual harassment, discrimination based on sexual orientation, restrictions on women’s mobility, forced/early marriages, CSBR has catalyzed and supported advocacy efforts on national levels, such as supporting campaigns for penal and civil code reform in countries like Turkey, Morocco and Palestine, while also working at international platforms and the UN. CSBR has pioneered the very first international meetings on sexual and reproductive rights in countries such as Lebanon and Tunisia, where previously sexuality was not an issue for discussion, and launched international campaigns and actions on sexual rights and freedoms, human rights violations, reproductive rights, and the right to organize in many countries, including Malaysia, Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan, Palestine, and Iran.
More information on CSBR is available at