
“Si nous oublions ces filles, cela signifie que nous oublions nos propres sœurs, notre propre peuple” Malala Yousafzai[1]

WLUML est en rage devant l’enlèvement de plus de deux cents filles à Chibok, dans l’État du Bornou, au nord-est du Nigeria, dont le sort n’est toujours pas clair. Nous partageons la peine de leurs familles et soutenons leur appel à les faire revenir saines et sauves. Nous pressons urgemment le gouvernement nigérian de faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour les ramener à leurs familles et s’assurer ensuite qu’elles reçoivent un soutien médical et psychologique et l’assistance de la communauté internationale. Nous témoignons notre solidarité au peuple et aux organisations de la société civile au Nigeria qui font opposition et résistance à la montée des forces politiques islamistes armées qui manipulent et font un usage abusif du nom de l’islam pour justifier leur stratagème terroriste brutal.

If we forget about these girls it means we are forgetting our own sisters, our own people."- Malala Yousafzai[1]

Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) is enraged by the abduction of more than 200 girls in Chibok, Borno State of Northeastern Nigeria, whose fate remains unclear. We grieve with the families of the girls and support their call to bring them safely back to their homes where they belong. We urge the Nigerian government to do their utmost power in bringing the girls back to their families and subsequently assuring they receive medical and psychological support, and the international community to assist them.  We are in solidarity with the people and civil society groups in Nigeria who are opposing and resisting the rise of armed political Islamist forces who misuse and abuse the name of Islam to justify their brutal terrorist ploy.

"إذا نسينا امر تلك  الفتيات، فهذا يعني اننا نسينا أخواتنا و اهلنا ." ملالا يوسف زاي[1]

تلقت شبكة التضامن النسوي "نساء يعشن في ظل قوانين المسلمين " نبأ اختطاف اكثر من 200 فتاة في شيبوك، في ولاية بورنو في شمال شرقي نيجيريا ببالغ الحزن والغضب . ما زال مصير الفتيات غير معلوم. نشاطر أهاليهن في Hحزانهم و ندعم طلبهم لإعادة الفتيات سالمات إلى منازلهن . و نطالب الحكومة النيجيرية ببذل اقصي جهودها لإعادتهن إلى ذويهن وكذلك تقديم الدعم الطبي والنفسي لهن. ونطالب المجتمع الدولي بتقديم يد العون في تحقيق ذلك.

“Si nous oublions ces filles, cela signifie que nous oublions nos propres sœurs, notre propre peuple” Malala Yousafzai[1]

If we forget about these girls it means we are forgetting our own sisters, our own people."- Malala Yousafzai[1]

Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) is enraged by the abduction of more than 200 girls in Chibok, Borno State of Northeastern Nigeria, whose fate remains unclear. We grieve with the families of the girls and support their call to bring them safely back to their homes where they belong. We urge the Nigerian government to do their utmost power in bringing the girls back to their families and subsequently assuring they receive medical and psychological support, and the international community to assist them.  We are in solidarity with the people and civil society groups in Nigeria who are opposing and resisting the rise of armed political Islamist forces who misuse and abuse the name of Islam to justify their brutal terrorist ploy.

A child-bride, Wasila Umar, accused of killing her husband, three of his friends and injuring many others after serving them poisoned food in Kano, has said that she regrets her action.



6th March 2014 – Ahead of the Global Day of Action against the Nigerian anti-gay laws taking place tomorrow, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and the Violence is Not our Culture (VNC) campaign express our solidarity with the LGBT[1] people of Nigeria in resisting these laws, which contradict human rights.[2]

As a network of Global South women’s rights activists and advocates, we have long seen the way that claims to cultural ‘authenticity’ and regressive interpretations of religion have been used to justify the violence that women suffer.  The state-sanctioned persecution of LGBT people happening in Nigeria stems from the very same ideology, and uses the same ‘justifications’. 

During Ramadan, a great uproar took place in Nigeria over actions by the government that were interpreted as trying to legalise child marriage. During a constitutional review, Senator Ahmed Sani Yerima argued that a subsection of Nigeria’s 1999 constitution should not be removed as it affects the rights of Muslim women. Section 29 of the Nigerian constitution allows Nigerian citizens aged 18 and above to give up their citizenship.

Ibrahim Kanuma winces as he recalls the moment a 63-year-old man asked him for his teenage daughter's hand in marriage. The proposal was not unusual in north-western Nigeria's remote, dust-blown state of Zamfara, but he considered the suitor too old for his only daughter, Zainab, 13.

"The baobab connotes spiritual strength . . . and fortitude . . . in distressing times." Ayesha Imam and the women she worked with for years in the Nigerian organization BAOBAB for Women's Human Rightspossess those very traits. The group, founded in 1996, fights to protect women's rights in the maze of the Nigerian legal system, with its overlapping religious, secular and customary laws and courts.

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