Les mariages précoces et l'excision, également connue sous le nom de mutilation génitale féminine, sont fréquents au Mali, un pays pauvre où ces pratiques constituent à elles seules la plus grande menace aux droits des jeunes filles.
Rape, sexual attacks and child abuse are common in northern Uganda's biggest refugee camp, where tens of thousands of people shelter from 19 years of war, the United Nations children's agency said on Wednesday.
Mukhtaran Mai, 33 ans, victime d'un viol collectif commis sur l'ordre du conseil tribal de son village, à la sortie de la Cour suprême du Pakistan qui a ordonné mardi l'arrestation des cinq coupables.
Early marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) are widely practiced in impoverished Mali where together they constitute the single biggest threat to the human rights of young girls, according to aid organisations.
One medical charity has treated 500 victims of sexual violence in Darfur in four months and this is just a fraction of such attacks in the Sudanese province, according to a senior U.N. official.
Seven murders at this time have been documented since the beginning of this year against Palestinian women in various areas of the West Bank and Gaza on the basis of what is called ‘family honour’.