Violence against women

Egypt's state-appointed Grand Mufti said on Sunday that female genital cutting was forbidden by Islam after an 11-year-old girl died while undergoing the procedure at a private medical clinic in southern Egypt.
Statement by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights.
Five years ago Khadija's mother sent her 8-year old daughter to work as a housemaid in the city, where her first employer beat her.
Tuesday 26th June 2007 from 1:00-4:00 PM at the Morden Assembly Hall, in Morden, Surrey (UK)
Father and uncle found guilty in criminal court for the murder of 20-year-old Banaz Mahmod Babakir Agha.
Fatima n'est pas la seule femme étrangère confrontée à ces situations de double violence (violence sexiste + violence d'Etat)...
Women's Rehabilitation Center (WOREC) is alarmed about the threats and harassment of Rita Mahato and Dev Kumari Mahara, Women’s Human Rights Defenders and WOREC staff members working in the Siraha district in Nepal.
The Ministry of Social Affairs will establish a center to receive complaints about domestic violence and follow up such cases round the clock, said Awad Al-Radadi, deputy minister for social care and development, according to the Saudi Press Agency.
The capital city of Sana'a will host a meeting on violence against women on Wednesday, with representatives attending from Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti and Oman.
A United Nations report on the human rights situation in Iraq has criticized the Kurdish provinces for a poor record in addressing acts of violence towards women.
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