State control

Bahraini Special Security Forces and National Security suppress peaceful demonstrations; Women's Petition Committee condemns the attack on women at the General Prosecutor's.
An open letter from Nicaraguan feminists calling for letters of support from regional and international groups:
Morality drive focuses on low-cut clothing and other signs of behaviour seen as 'un-traditional' and therefore inappropriate.
"We intend to bring attention to the constant abuse of religion, tradition, national and cultural heritage – all for political purposes, in order to gain legitimacy and political power..."
Front Line reported their deep concern following the arrest of eleven human rights defenders and the alleged torture and ill-treatment of a number of those arrested.
Women in the United Arab Emirates will soon be allowed to become judges, breaking a male monopoly over the profession in the conservative monarchy, the justice minister was quoted as saying.
Tolekan Ismailova sent the following information to the Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) after her second night of incarceration following her arrest in December while peacefully protesting irregularities in the Kyrgyzstan elections.
Les services secrets britanniques veulent recruter plus d’agents issus de minorités ethniques, a confié à la BBC un responsable du MI6 (renseignement extérieur), égratignant au passage le “mythe” de l’espion britannique véhiculé par James Bond.
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