State control

Human rights campaigners have condemned the announcement of an Iranian television programme showing Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman sentenced to death by stoning, at her home apparently discussing her part in the murder of her husband. The release last night of photographs of Mohammadi Ashtiani at her home in Osku prompted speculation that she had been freed. But hopes for her release were dashed when Iran's state English language channel said she had been taken home to make a television programme on her alleged crime

Reza Khandan, Nasrin Sotoodeh’s husband, said that the judge presiding over her case has extended his wife’s detention. He added that no sentence has been disclosed to her lawyer as of yet. Reza Khandan told Radio Farda on December 7 that Sotoudeh resumed her hunger strike because her demands have not been met. He said that in violation of assurances given by the judge when she first appeared in court, her temporary arrest has been extended and her request for release on bail rejected. Update on Iran: WHRD Call for Iranian authorities to release Nasrin Sotoudeh and other lawyers

 ديسمبر 2010

يعبر مركز البحرين لحقوق الإنسان عن امتعاضه الشديد لاستمرار السلطات البحرينية في استهداف ومضايقة المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان والذي تمثل مؤخراً في المعاملة السيئة التي لاقاها رئيس مركز البحرين لحقوق الإنسان السيد نبيل رجب من خلال إجراءات أمنية انتقائية مورست ضده، وذلك بقيام عناصر من جهاز الأمن الوطني باحتجازه لمدة حوالي الساعة أثناء مغادرته متوجها إلى اليونان عبر مطار البحرين الدولي، وانتهاك خصوصيته وانتزاع كمبيوتره الشخصي المحمول وهاتفه النقال عنوة بعد تهديده، علاوة على بقية الأجهزة الالكترونية التي كانت بحوزته، ثم نسخ كل ما فيها من معلومات وصور خاصة بإفراد أسرته وعمله الحقوقي.


The Supreme Court of Iran should immediately reverse the apostasy conviction and death sentence of Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and release him from prison, theInternational Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. The judiciary should also release another pastor, Behrouz Sadegh-Khanjani, who faces a similar prosecution.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses deep concern about the Bahraini authorities persistence in targeting and harassing human rights defenders, which was shown recently in the ill treatment inflicted upon the president of BCHR, Mr. Nabeel Rajab, through selective security measures practiced against him. Mr. Rajab was detained for about one hour by national security agents upon his departure to Greece through Bahrain National airport, after being threatened, his personal laptop and mobile phone were forcibly confiscated (in addition to the rest of the electronic devices that were in his possession), all files and information on these devices were copied, even family pictures and files related to his human rights work.

Un colloque international, organisé par quelques associations féministes algériennes agrées par l'Etat sur le thème : « Stop à la violence : les droits des femmes maintenant »  devait se tenir ce 25 novembre à Alger. Ce colloque a été interdit par les autorités algériennes le jour de son ouverture dans le mépris le plus total sans qu’aucune raison n’ait été avancée officiellement. Cette nouvelle atteinte aux libertés fondamentales de réunion et d’expression est le marqueur d’un autoritarisme politique qui  foule aux pieds le droit des  citoyens et fait dans l’excès de zèle et le cynisme lorsqu’il s’agit de celui des FEMMES ?

Pakistan Supreme Court Bar Association President Asma Jahangir has denounced the stay granted by the Lahore High Court against any action leading to a presidential pardon for Christian woman Aasia Bibi, who was sentenced to death by a district judge on charges on blasphemy. Jahangir expressed surprise that a stay had been granted on an action that was yet to take place, and disapproved of the idea of suspending the constitutional prerogative of the Executive, the Dawn reported. Update to Pakistan: WLUML statement: Ensure the safety of Asia Bibi and her family and repeal Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws

During the day, election-related violence claimed at least eight lives. Early results from the poll – described by domestic and international observers as "breathtaking" in its levels of fraud – suggest that the ruling National Democratic party (NDP) has captured 96% of the seats, while the 88 opposition members from the Muslim Brotherhood, could be erased to zero. 

Les associations de femmes signataires, réunies autour de l’AAPF, ont pris acte de la « non autorisation » qui leur a été signifiée oralement et tardivement, le 24 novembre 2010 pour la tenue de la commémoration de le journée mondiale contre les violences faites aux femmes, à l’hôtel Es Safir d’Alger. Elles tiennent à réaffirmer leur volonté à se battre contre les violences que, comme femmes elles subissent avec toutes les algériennes.

From 8 am to 10 am on Election Day, monitors from the Independent Coalition for Elections Observation reported the following: The Interior Ministry refused to legalize candidates’ proxies (representatives who enter the polling centers). Moreover, representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition candidates who did receive accreditation, were not allowed in the polling stations.  Meanwhile, supporters of the National Democratic Party (NDP) continued advertising for their candidates inside the polling centers, even though campaigning is forbidden on Election Day. 

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