[law] general

The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), after reviewing the Qisas and Diyat Ordinance (Act II of 1997) and the concept of justice in Islam, declared that honour killings and all other sorts of victimisation of women have no link with Islam.
A long-awaited bill on women's rights has been presented before Pakistan's National Assembly.
If the President really wants to help women in prison, he would do well to repeal the Hudood Ordinances.
A meeting of church leaders in Kenya has been called to discuss how they can remove a clause in the draft constitution that recognises Muslim courts - also referred to as Kadhi's courts.
Women Monitoring Election Candidates (WoMEC).
In January 2004, WLUML urged you to join Iraqi women's efforts and take action to oppose the Iraqi Governing Council's (IGC) 'Resolution 137' dated 29 December 2003 that proposed the introduction of Sharia law in personal status matters and to cancel all laws which are incompatible with this decision. It was reported on 27th February 2004, that the IGC has cancelled resolution 137.
L'islam ne sera pas "l'unique source de la loi", et la charia ne régira pas le statut de la femme.
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