[law] general

An unofficial English translation of the 2004 Moroccan Family Law (Moudawana).
The Union Cabinet has approved the introduction of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 in Parliament.
UAE women will soon be given the right to end their marriage after petitioning the Sharia Court, paying compensation or returning the dowry to husbands.
An important UN comment/summary of the latest UN position on gender rights, due diligence, and state actors and the role of custom.
Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, a leading human-rights crusader in her native Iran, took a firm stand against the introduction of Islamic tribunals in Canada, warning they open the door to potential rights abuses.
Le puissant ministre saoudien de l'Intérieur, le prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz, a sévèrement critiqué ceux de ses concitoyens favorables à la levée de l'interdiction de conduire faite aux femmes du royaume.
This article makes the point that lawmen can't stop going after criminals just because the number of criminals is "too great".
Saudi Arabia's appointed consultative council has shelved a proposal by one of its members to lift the ban on women's driving in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.
The Domestic Relations Bill (DRB) has again been shelved amidst protests from several MPs, mostly women activists.
The undersigned Canadian associations call for support in their struggle against the introduction of religious arbitration courts for family matters in Canada.
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