Law reform

A wonderful web resource about the campaign, featuring a panel discussion, blogs and activities on the theme of, "Women as Equal Citizens: Advocating for Change in Muslim-Majority Societies."
Iraq's fractious ethnic and religious parliamentary groups have agreed to open debate on a contentious Shiite-proposed draft legislation that will allow the creation of federal regions in Iraq.
King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa has granted Bahraini citizenship to 300 children of Bahraini mothers married to foreigners.
Iran's parliament passed a law on Sunday allowing children with an Iranian mother and a foreign father to acquire Iranian nationality, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Le rapport est disponible pour télécharger de ce site Web en anglais et l'arabe.
The latest compromise made by the government with respect to amendments in the Hudood laws is nothing more than a joke.
The young Muslim couple chose a path advocated by Islamic scholars concerned about women's rights: drawing up a Muslim marriage contract that takes into account modern needs.
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