The Bill singles out one group of people to be deprived of rights that all people enjoy as guaranteed by the 1999 Constitution and international human rights treaties to which Nigeria is a state party.
Au nord-ouest du Pakistan, la pression des fondamentalistes a conduit a un degré alarmant de violence et de discrimination a l’egard des filles et des femmes.
The head of the Sharia police, or Hisbah, said the planned protest was an "embarrassment", and is "un-Islamic". The organisers have agreed to postpone their protest scheduled for 29 January.
International AIDS organisations have condemned the imprisonment of nine Senegalese AIDS activists for their sexual orientation, saying it threatens to reverse gains made in Senegal's fight against HIV.
Plusieurs organisations internationales de lutte contre le sida ont dénoncé la condamnation début janvier à huit ans de prison de neuf Sénégalais sur la base de leur orientation sexuelle présumée.
Saudi Arabia's most senior cleric was quoted Wednesday as saying it is permissible for 10-year-old girls to marry and those who think they're too young are doing the girls an injustice.