[empower] capacity building initiatives and materials

Ani Zonneveld writes about the first WISE conference which dealt with the creation of a Shura Council to contribute to an interpretation of the Quran in a modern context. Of course not everyone agreed with a need for such a Council.
Toute forme de violence envers les femmes est inacceptable! SOS femmes en détresse offre un soutien et fournis des services concrets aux femmes en difficulté.
Shirkat Gah, WLUML Asia regional coordination office have launched their new website which contains information about their programmes, research, ongoing activities, publications, action alerts, documentation centre and network linkages.
The Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is pleased to announce a new initiative that focuses on developing the leadership skills of young girls between the ages of 12-15 which will begin in Bahrain and Jordan.
Le réseau a mis en place un système de réponse rapide aux violations des droits des femmes, organisé des campagnes centrées sur des thèmes comme la violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles et les problèmes des femmes en situation de conflit armé.
Le but d’ IDEACCESS est d’encourager la réflexion des personnes à travers l’accès à l’information.
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