
"Si elle retourne en Iran, Pegah risque la prison et la peine de mort par lapidation. Son crime en Iran fut son orientation sexuelle. Elle avait des relations avec une autre femme."
For a new AMAN book on sexual culture among young Thai Muslims, Amporn Marddent, explored everything from evolving sexual practices to views on homosexuality - with some surprising results.
Updates and Clarifications: There has been considerable confusion on various aspects of this case and the situation Shahzina Tariq and Shamial Raj are in, especially since people in Pakistan and elsewhere have been misinformed. Nighat Said Khan of the ASR Resource Centre clarifies:
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission.
Comme le proverbe ne le dit pas, la vérité sort aussi de la bouche des jeunes, filles et garçons, lorsqu’ils ont quelque liberté de s’exprimer.
En Gambie, pour échapper au mariage forcé, certaines adolescentes fuguent ou se suicident, d’autres éliminent leurs époux.
Women Action Forum (WAF) and Joint Action Committee (JAC) Karachi have organized a number of demonstrations and press conferences to draw government’s attention towards the issue of the ordeal faced by Ms. Nasima Labano, who was abducted, raped and forced to parade naked in January 2007.
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