
For the first time in the history of Palestine, two women were appointed as judges to the Islamic Sharia court in the West Bank cities of Hebron and Ramallah.
C'est une première au Maghreb et dans le monde arabo-musulman : l'association féministe Ni putes ni soumises (NPNS) va ouvrir une antenne au Maroc.

Women worldwide continue to be subjected to terrible violence in the private and public sphere, and our networkers in Senegal alert us to a grave situation where perpetrators of violence against women in that country believe that they can continue to offend without facing prosecution.

Noura Al-Fayez, première femme à intégrer le gouvernement d'Arabie saoudite.
A call for equality and justice "in the Muslim family" is being launched by a group of Muslim scholars and activists who insist that in the 21st century "there cannot be justice without equality" between men and women.
Nora bint Abdullah Al-Fayez was appointed by royal decree as the deputy education minister for girls’ affairs.
Le premier numéro du bulletin trimestriel Dynamiques Genre, publié par le programme « Promouvoir l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans la région euroméditerranéenne » vient de voir le jour.
Yemen Women Union YWU begins next week carrying out training courses for woman leaderships on engaging in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
The World Social Forum ended its ninth edition Sunday in Belém with its "Assembly of assemblies" adopting dozens of resolutions and proposals to be the subjects of a programme of mobilisations around the world in 2009.
EWIC is interested in inviting broad participation in the writing of Encyclopedia entries, including qualified graduate students.
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