
Plusieurs milliers de femmes, venues de 35 pays, se sont retrouvées, 28 et 29 mai, à Marseille, étape française de la Marche mondiale des femmes qui, partie de Brésil, doit arriver à Burkina Faso en octobre, après un long périple en Europe et en Océanie.
An interview with Mary Jane N. Real, the Women Human Rights Defenders’ International Coordinating Committee (WHRD-ICC) Coordinator.
In December 2004, BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights with support from the New Tactic Project Micro Grant, organized a workshop which trained journalists in the identification of human rights issues and the development of creative strategies and tactics.
KARAMAH - Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights is currently accepting applications for its summer Leadership Development Program which will take place from 11 July 11 - 5 August 2005.
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